School working group
Since 2008, the school working group has been developing concepts, materials and content for the awareness-raising events of the “Data Protection Goes to School” (DSgzS) initiative. DSgzS lecturers go to schools nationwide and show how personal data can be better protected – without having to do without modern forms of communication.
It works with sponsors, supporters and partner associations and prepares the lecturers for the awareness events.
In 2011, the DSgzS initiative was awarded the title “Selected Landmark 2011 – Germany – Land of Ideas.”
The AK Schule meets twice a year for two days each at alternating locations nationwide. Members exchange information in monthly conference calls.
Rudi Kramer (Spokesman AK Schule)
Frank Spaeing (deputy speaker AK Schule)
David Heimburger (deputy speaker AK Schule)
in planning