Regional Group Schwäbisch Gmünd

The regional group Schwäbisch Gmünd was founded as the youngest regional group in May 2020. As our sphere of activity, we see in particular the still existing gap between the RG Stuttgart and the RG Ulm in the direction of the north-east up to the RG Nuremberg.

We see ourselves as a network of data protection officers and also those interested in data protection, which exchanges experiences and shares knowledge among each other and jointly develops new results (in implementation and design).

In doing so, we intend to contribute with ‘good team spirit, enthusiasm and deep conviction’ to positively substantiate and spread the implementation of the topic of data protection.

At the meetings we will try to involve interesting speakers / interlocutors and also discussants from different settings (organizations / industries / …) in order to jointly develop pragmatic and useful results.

All members and participants are always and constantly invited to bring in topics and starting points for discussions, clarifications, working sessions and thus help to shape the work of the regional group itself.

We are looking forward to the exciting and profitable exchange and are now looking forward to the first real working meeting in November 2020.

The Schwäbisch Gmünd regional group has planned (starting in 2021) to hold three meetings p.a. in principle.

Bernd Herrig (speaker)

Current dates of the regional group can be found in the calendar.