Government draft dated 15.02.2017
published entitled “Revised rules for the protection of secrecy where third parties are involved in the professional activity of persons obligated to confidentiality”.
Following the BMJV [Federal Ministry of Justice and Consumer Protection] publication on 14.12.2016 of a draft bill on “Revised rules for the protection of secrecy where third parties are involved in the professional activity of persons obligated to confidentiality” , including the request for comment within the framework of hearing of unions for comment in which the BvD also participated with a Position statement (statement dated 09.01.2017), the government decided on a Government draft on 15.02.2017.
- 203 StGB and the arrangements under vocational law were thereby adapted to include authorised service providers. The draft is now in the legislative procedures phase.
It is gratifying that suggestions contained in the BvD statement could be taken into account. Anyone interested in this topic may obtain first hand information at the BvD Association Day on 04.05.2017.
It appears that government intends to enact a number of laws before the Bundestag election campaign heats up. Exciting days indeed.