Frank Spaeing
Article 29 Group publishes WP 261 – V2.0
Do you know the movie “Und täglich grüßt das Murmeltier”[Daily greetings from the groundhog]?
The main actor in this film experiences the same day time and again…
This has sometimes also been my feeling over the past days.Because – didn’t we just see the WP 261 publication? Yes, we did, on 12.02.2018, to be precise.
Independent of this the Article 29 Group published another WP 261 on 16.02.2018.
Oh well, we can all make a mistake.So – what happened here?
The Article 29 Group on 6.2.2018 decided on Working paper “Guidelines on Article 49 of Regulation 2016/679” and published this on 12.2.2018.
The Article 29 Group on the same day decided on another working paper titled “Guidelines on the accreditation of certification bodies (wp261)”.
And it appears that prior to 16.2.2018 (publication day) nobody in the Article 29 Group noticed that number 261 had now been allocated twice.Even the two PDF documents have the same name.Just the content differs.
But, as already mentioned, this can happen.We live in interesting times.
The new working paper discusses the regulations for accreditation of bodies authorised for certification pursuant to Article 42 GDPR.A highly exciting topic, therefore.
The Article 29 Group will receive comments on this also, deadline: 30 March 2018.
Author: Frank Spaeing